Reconciliation Schedule

4:45-5:20 pm Wednesday and Friday

3:30-4:30 pm Saturday

In chapel reconciliation room

(or ask one of the priests for an appointment 831-3565)

First Eucharist

Normally, a child will receive the sacrament of Eucharist during the Spring of second grade.  The child should be enrolled in the Parish School of Religion program or in the Catholic school.  Parents are asked to complete a registration form and attend an informational session to help the families to prepare the child for the reception of the sacrament. 

The parish also will try to meet the needs of older children who did not receive the sacrament in the 2nd grade.  Resources are available through the parish office to help these children prepare for the reception of the sacrament.  We also work with families who may have children with special needs to help in the process.  Please contact Iris Bounds by calling the parish office at (417) 831-3565 or at